
as usual..its already late....this is some kind curse to face this difficulty to sleep....and as usual also....i dont actually know what to write...and are surely dont know what to read so.....thats why you came here....seeking for something....and'll found something....

sorry...this flu not really in a pink of health recently....starting with a throat ache....and now this rainy nose keep toping up the thunderstorm inside.....yeah....great suffocation....the oxygen and another mixture of gases filled my lungs using my mouth and another half-function tunnel might say this.....what am i trying to tell about?.....

haha....this is not me.....this is the pill.....that might be taken over brought me aboard.....into some place where i can still talking talking and ting tong.....i cant sleep.....and i try.....i already put the netbook off....not hibernate it nor sleeping shut down for good.....and then....i put the ear bud to its reasonable hole.....and awake.....the netbook awake......and we keep accompany each other.....

oh...wait wait not stoned okay.....dont judge me by the way i write this.....i still have an abundant self-consciousness to avoid myself doing stone and brick activity.....they always talking about peace and shit together....who?....

yah....for sure the big talented moralist to not talking about anyone or anywhere.....i already say that earlier.....its about moralist with not enough "mana"....what the hell "mana" thing is?....if you play will know it for good.....and for those who dont know.....Dang!....welcome to the earth!.....

in this very planet....they will keep playing video game.....and...sure things game was invented to make humanity grown in default know what i mean.....keep on playing....without taking note the and or and death....

this entertainment and activities already inducted well deep inside the community....until some point where you'll be considered as jumud and kolot etcetera....if you dont do what they did.... this is simply made the humanity forget about Gaza....and go to McD and spend the money for their fund.....and the fund according to some people will be used for their objective to destroy the muslim world nation.....

they also do blogging....for what sake?....we still dont know yet.....its also sometime make human steadily forget the environment.....same goes to video gaming....we can see this bad habit by those who kasi naik entri satu hari 8 kali.....

they addicted to this weird normality.....i myself even dont know why am i struggling in this writing and publishing the story here and that as the might seeing the fact in the revise must have an opinion and stand for it......and another one might sold the hatred hoping the braindead people drop over to buy the bullshit.....oh for god sake....please....get a life....

if im not interested with what you interested in.....thats mean we are human....human live in differentiation and whatever degree it is....wherever angle it takes....appreciate it.....accept it....and take it.....dont force others to love what you love.....respect others tendency....and others will surely respect yours....

and physical joke is another satanic devilish barbaric sin ever....i dont wanna talk long about it....its sinful enough to be talked about....

eh....actually i want to babbling about what erk?.....oh....about the moralist....actually i watching this Zehra-Janji guys pun go pergi tengok cerita tu kat catch up tv.....entah macam mana aku terklik link orang share kat facebook.....

you guys go and watching.....take the pill.....sit in front of the PC or laptop.....and your blog entry will be the same as mine.....haha....selamat menonton.....


for the record :

syaitan yang ditugaskan untuk menawan hati orang baik ialah yang berpangkat general....ustaz ustazah sekalian.....sila hati hati.....jangan sampai sifat ujub takbur itu memakan diri ya!....

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