So now all university and JPA forbade their student to join bersih2.0. it is very cool if only they organize this bersih thing few months back. during my unidentified students status back there. i will confidently attend this thing and watch the "chaos" and "commotion" as what they have claimed.

im not too much into political scene. so that i wont talk much, like reading newspaper an analyze the politic scene is my routine.

itu bodoh namanya. tak tahu baik diam. but as far as im concern. there is something wrong that actually happened behind the scene.


on 31st may 2010, there are a flottila, break the siege, gaza aid and what so ever you call it, heading down to gaza strip. there is a casualties upon the israelli's attack, then this israeli is quiet confident that the convoy actually mean a brutal harm to them. so bila dah paranoid macam anjing kena sergah, they send a troop to hijack the ship and put a fire weapon, sharp things and any potential-as-weapon things inside the deck.

paranoid isnt it?

people,all i wanna highlight here is, if you on the right line so what the fuck with the paranoid?. its actually simple ABC thing. no need a complex pena'kulan mantiq. just leave them to demonstrate as the fuck as they need. it wont be long, sejam dua diorang penat diorang balik la. and all kind of people from assorted political understanding are invited to join.

macam concert switchfoot dan splash party sunway lagoon. you guys might be actually afraid with the Ambiga's doctrine isnt it?.

it is just mean that korang dah mula takut kalau ambiga bakal mendoktrinasi pemikiran peserta peserta bersih. dan akhirnya menjerumuskan kepentingan kepentingan korang dalam sesuatu institusi politik ke lembah kehancuran.

it ok people, dont judge yet.

what i hate about bersih2.0 is yellow and not representing the multiracial and various kind of people's taste. yellow is suck. seriously.

the second is the founder is Ambiga who you and i clearly knew who is she. actually it is just a matter of how worse you may describe Ambiga.  lets get into flashback when Umar al-khatab lempang adiknya, he was the one yang menentang islam bermati matian and end up as khalifah.

ok now you dont have a hak mutlak to judge yet. so shut up,

second things is. bersih menjemput pelbagai pihak untuk mencurah provokasi. maka PDRM terpaksa bertungkus lumus berkhidmat menangkap pembersih pembersih berbaju kuning demi keselamatan negara. maka roadblock di sana sini. yeah. roadblock is suck.

sesiapa yang berbaju kuning dan bertulisan bersih akan ditangkap kerana menggugat keamanan negara. makanya Ibbit Ali selaku anti-Bersih2.0 tampil memberi tentangan secara terbuka dengan menyifatkan bersih sebagai rally keganasan.

Ali rustam with his pendekar who gonna take care of palace. its funny thing when melayu sama melayu islam sama islam bertegang urat to fight upon a simple things,

and all of this thing are bullshit and bodoh for my knowledge digestion process

the senario is

bersih's protester = adik bongsu who wants a junk food
sultan/ Agong = parents
Umno youths = abang sulung
Perkasa patriot bla bla bla = abang ngah

so that when bersih protester wanted a junk food. he will be oppressed by his abang long dan abang ngah from getting it, his demand will get denied. macam tu kan the senario. damn itu cuma metafora. kalau hipotetikal sekalipun aku peduli apa.

there is an uneasy feeling. aku rasa hal ehwal percanggahan pendapat ini dah mula diselia melalui cara dan dasar kebinatangan. tiada elemen diplomatik dan table talk at the first place. manusia makin hilang ketamadunan.

kita kena bersedia dengan sebarang kemungkinan. so para pembaca sekalian. kamu harus mula menanam ubi kayu di belakang rumah. dikhuatiri scene bersih ini akan menyemarakkan lagi api kontoversi dan betul betul menggugat keamanan sampai nak pergi kedai beli beras pun tak selamat.

so kepada peserta bersih. sila hati hati sebab ali rustam cannot handle pesilat dia lagi. thats mean kalau kamu dipukul atau ahli keluarga kamu diapa apakan. Ali rustam will answer he cannot do anything. and police as well. and his pesilat is excused from civil law for the time being. so now, their behavior is depends on their moral conscious.

disclaimer :
ini cuma persepsi aku sahaja. tidak ada kaitan dengan sebelah mana aku berpihak. once again, dont judge sebab kau masih bodoh dan tak layak jadi jangan berlagak.

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